Child Custody


Everyone is concerned when families are ast risk of breaking up. This not only holds true for the family members themselves, but also for the others.

The lawmaking body of the Michigan government exerts efforts to keep the family complete.  Laws and government policies uphold the value of the basic family unit of the community by providing ways to keep it intact in most cases.

While these policies aim for the common good, some families can no longer live under one roof, and in these cases, the members might want to stay apart due to several irreconcilable reasons.

Whatever the case, the law aims to help the families agree on a settlement that will provide benefits for both parties. Also, this points to build trust, confidence, and peace of mind for both parties, no matter what is the status of the case.

What Happens in Child Custody Cases?

In family-related cases, those that involve child custody are tagged as one of the most complicated and delicate cases to handle. It is applicable throughout the United States as the laws primarily aim to protect the welfare of the child.

Child custody cases may vary, depending on the grounds and pieces of evidence provided by both parties. Each of the parties is given a chance to defend themselves and prove their worth as the child’s legal guardian.

In most cases, parents are allowed to provide proof showing their capability to assist and support the child financially. The parties are also entitled to show their capacity to provide the basic needs of the child, such as foods, shelter, clothing, education, and a peaceful environment suitable for their age.

However, it’s not uncommon for the parents to argue or dispute over the custody of the children.  When agreement cannot be reached, legal representation may be needed.

As a law firm specializing in child custody cases, we aim to help you prepare for and deal with your child custody rights. In a child custody case, both parents will meet with a common mediator who will evaluate the parties and make recommendations that will serve as the basis for the child custody rights decision. In this process, our professional and highly skilled lawyer will assist you in preparing the documents needed by the mediator to start the evaluation process.

In this process, we’ll make it clear that the mediators are neutral parties who will honestly assess the situation to provide sensible decisions for the welfare of the child and the parents. Also, the mediators are licensed lawyers specializing in child care and custody cases

Purpose of Child Custody

Determine the primary caretaker

In child custody cases, the main goal of the adjudication is to determine who will be the primary caretaker. The court will weigh the evidence that shows which among the parties have the highest potential of giving the best care and future for the child concerned. The court considers different factors such as the physical, mental, financial, and emotional capacity of the individual to set as a good example and protect the well-being of the child.

After all, the custody over the child doesn’t end once the case was decided. It is a lifelong responsibility of the parent or party given the guardianship over the child. Thus, the court aims to determine these factors in a futuristic manner. This is why they regularly check and verify the party’s capabilities of providing for the child in the long run.

Lay out the parents’ wishes for their child

No matter what is the reason why the parents chose to separate, the prevailing mindset is to look after the future of the child. As parents, it is natural for our clients to have their desires as for the future of their child. In child custody cases, this is respected in the court of law. In the mediation process, both the mother and father are given a chance to lay out their wishes, conditions, and plans for the child.

Before presenting these to the mediator and in front of the other party, we will determine the bearing of the information provided by the parent to assess whether it can be used in the mediation process.

Child support rights

Raising a responsible and successful child is a joyful and rewarding experience.  However, as most understand, parenting can also be difficult at times.  It can become esspecially difficult after a divorce.  To help single parents and legal guardians in upbringing the child, the state of Michigan has child custody and child suppport legal requirements that are often determined in court cases.

As a parent, it is difficult to fight for your rights and win the custody for your child if you’re not well-equipped and backed up by a competent and highly-skilled lawyer specializing in child custody cases. Thus, looking for a qualified lawyer is highly advisable to win the case.

Are you in a child custody battle with your partner? Let Attorney Lawrence J. Coogan help you win the case and get the custody for your child. Our lawyers can help you all the way through filing the necessary documents to present the lawsuit until the custody rights are given to you.

Schedule a free consultation with us by giving us a call (313) 381-0044 to set up a meeting in our office. Our office is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.